20th anniversary as Interim Recruitment Specialist
The personal story of an interim recruiter in The Netherlands who completed 24 large projects in 20 years (period 1999-2019).
The personal story of an interim recruiter in The Netherlands who completed 24 large projects in 20 years (period 1999-2019).
Experienced in processing loads of information and highlighting the best. And… post about it online for all to check out.
An employee selection process based on motivation letter, a resume plus job interviews is common practice. But savvy recruiters use modern selection methods that have a better predictive value. Here’s why…
Instead of relying on selecting from the best possible applicants, organizations can use social media to proactively search for the best candidates. For that reason, more and more organizations are embracing direct sourcing and stop advertising for jobs.
How could Google Glass impact recruitment? TMP shows in an experiment the way recruiters conduct interviews more collaboratively, and how a new employee’s first days could be more productive and fun.
LinkedIn launched a new certification program, LinkedIn Certified Professional – Recruiter, and we are one of the first to obtain this certification! It’s the only program with an official LinkedIn status.
Job adverts or Employer Branding in HTML-code is not new, but it’s not common practice for ICT or technology companies. I’m one of those geeks to check HTML-code regularly, to find hacks or other useful information, and stumbled upon a reference to the jobs-site on Flickr.com: Have you implemented something similar on your website?
Are you looking to update or create a new Career Site on the WWW? Think before you start as it requires: Project team Employer Branding expertise Requirements gathering Internet agency SEO/SEA specialists Content Management System (Re-)Design of Site Alignment with Marcom, Internet agency, Management, and other stakeholders Money Time… (most likely 3+ months) Is a […]
Sechsmal im Jahr veröffentlicht die Redaktion der Deutsch-Niederländischen Handelskammer (DNHK) das zweisprachige Wirtschaftsmagazin “DNHK markt” mit exklusiven Inhalten aus den Feldern Unternehmen, Konjunktur, Kultur und Kontakte. Der “DNHK markt” ist das einzige zweisprachige Wirtschaftsmagazin für ganz Deutschland und die Niederlande. In der neuesten Ausgabe, 2012 nr.6, ein Artikel über “Social Career Networks” auf Seite 56 […]
It’s all really official now as Jacco Valkenburg, the author of the bestseller ‘Recruitment via LinkedIn’, became Certified as LinkedIn Recruiter Expert on October 23, 2012! With this recognition, we joined a group exclusively for LinkedIn Corporate Recruiter license holders who have completed the LinkedIn Corporate Recruiter Expert Program.