HR tech influencers to watch in 2019

December 14th, 2018 - Jacco Valkenburg

It’s end of the year so it’s time to look forward with trends and lists. And I’m honored to be listed as one of the top 30 HR tech influencers to watch for in 2019!

According to Recruitee (ATS vendor), “They are the HR tech influencers and leaders in talent acquisition. They’re experienced in processing loads of information and highlighting the best. And… they post about it online for all of us to check out.

We’ve kept an eye on them for the past year, especially those consistently sharing high-quality insights to their followers. This doesn’t necessarily equate to the amount of followers that they have on any channel! Across platforms, the following HR tech influencers have shown to be among the 30 most promising to watch in 2019. They are in no particular order, and they appear here because we believe in their HR influencing abilities, across the globe!”

Some kind words here from this team about me:

Accomplished author and trainer of all things recruitment, Jacco Valkenburg is the physical embodiment of recruitment learning. is a mecca of recruitment knowledge. If you want to know more, just follow him on any of his social platforms.

About: Author of Recruitment 3.0, Interim Corporate Recruiter at Recruit2, and Trainer at
Location: Amsterdam, NL

See the full list here; “30 HR tech influencers to watch for in 2019“.


For more information feel free to contact Jacco Valkenburg, by telephone +31 6 2825 7098 or by e-mail

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