Launching World’s First HTML5 Recruitment Website

November 19th, 2010 - Jacco Valkenburg

I’m very proud to launch the World’s First* recruitment related website build 100% in HTML5;

HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML standard, currently under development. Like its immediate predecessors, HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1, HTML5 is a standard for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. The new standard incorporates features like video playback and drag-and-drop that have been previously dependent on third-party browser plug-ins such as Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight (source: Wikipedia).

I’ll give you some background info here about this website and its features. Because with this launch I’m going to say goodbye to the name and website of IPRC which was built in 2003. Although this old website contains a lot of social media integration, the look and feel is outdated. And it’s very red too… Moreover, in the past few years my company has greatly expanded its service and product portfolio which didn’t fit into the website anymore. Therefore I have chosen to give the company a fresh new look, trading name (Recruit2) that I wanted to support by a state-of-the-art website. The goal is to picture a clearer image about what we do to the outside world with a stronger focus on all aspects of our services and products that, in short, supports all steps in a (corporate) recruitment process.

The new website is based on WordPress CMS for the reasons I earlier decribed in a posting with a HOW TO quick guide to Recruitment 2.0. This blog has been a playground for this concept for a while. But the new website goes a step further with some great new features:

  1. Future proof 100% HTML5 website. For non-techies, you’ll find no Flash on the website so you can also view it on an iPad without any problems.
  2. Using WordPress Multi-site technology for easy maintenance (Content Management System).
  3. Comment on Job Postings so potential candidates can ask questions or clarification before applying. These comments will be visible for everyone to read so it also helps other visitors.
  4. Social (sharing) buttons. Sharing buttons are not unique but it’s on one place and not striking as on some websites. Also the social buttons, in the contact window, will link you to the social platforms of the author of that page.
  5. Contact page includes a nice Google Streetview map.
  6. A lot of plugins, from Smart 404 to widgets that support Twitter and Facebook integration.

More importantly, I believe that the new recruit2 website tells our story much better; helping you a step forward in your recruitment needs. Are we ready and lean back after the launch? No, far from that. In the next few weeks/months we’ll change the (very) corporate images and a copywriter will rewrite the text. There’s still a lot of work to do but there’s again a solid base .

Another change is that some of our product and service offerings now have a dedicated website:

Let us know what you think of the new design in the comments below.

*Actually, I’m not sure it’s the first recruitment related HTML5 website. There are not many HTML5 websites live yet (it’s a technology under development) but somebody has to claim it! If you know any other great examples of HTML5 (recruitment) websites let us know too!


For more information feel free to contact Jacco Valkenburg, by telephone +31 6 2825 7098 or by e-mail

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